Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections>
Series: 15) U.S. OPERATIONS MISSION (USOM). 1948-1972, 1976, undated
Box 1236 Folder 5 Miscellaneous 1955
(Partially scanned folder | 4 records)
(Partially scanned folder | 4 records)
August 0th,1964
A report from the Agency for International Development (AID) on economic and military aid provided by the U.S. to Vietnam over the past 10 years. A b read more...
January 3rd,1955
William Dymsza, Formerly Acting USOM Representative to Central Vietnam, writes to Acting Assistant Director for Operations Charles Mann after a recent read more...
A two-page review of the book "The United States and the Sino-Soviet Bloc in Southeast Asia" by Oliver E. Clubb, Jr. The reviewer begins by mentionin read more...
May 25th,1962
The TIME article, subtitled "Guarding the River", reports on U.S. Marines landing on the shores of Thailand to help defend the country from Communist read more...