Creator: Ryan, Jack E.
Contributor: Barrows, Leland, meeting attendee
Description: Jack Ryan and Howard Hoyt share a memorandum that is a brief overview of a meeting held at the US Embassy in December, 1956. The meeting brings up the concerns of American ambassadors that the police administration reorganization plan initiated by the Vietnamese government has accomplished none of its goals, namely the increase of the Civil Guard, the creation of a Central Identification Division, and more.
Digital Format: Text/pdf
Language: English
Original Date: December 5th,1956
Date Range: 1950-1959
Source: Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections
Vietnam Project. Records. (UA Box 680, Folder 2
Pages: 4
Identifier: UA2-9-5-5_003994.pdf
Country: South Vietnam
Digitizer: MSU Archives and Historical Collections
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. U.S. and international copyright laws may protect this item. Commercial use or distribution of this digital object is not permitted without written permission of the Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections.
Contributing Institution(s): MSU Archives & Historical Collections; MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University