Creator: Adkins, E. H.
Description: E. H. Adkins for the MSUG Police Administration Division writes a report about administration of justice in Vietnam, particularly the need for an educational program to instruct regional Province Chiefs on administrative measures in regards to law enforcement. Adkins discusses the role of U.S. aid and compares the situation in Vietnam to other countries in Southeast Asia. Photographs are included in the report of Saigon, rural workers and villages, houseboats, a Montagnard village, elephant transportation, rice paddies and irrigation canals, and the new National Institute of Administration model.
Digital Format: Text/pdf
Language: English
Original Date: November 1961
Date Range: 1960-1969
Source: Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections
Vietnam Project. Records. (UA Box 682, Folder 8
Pages: 33
Identifier: UA2-9-5-5_004289.pdf
Country: South Vietnam
Digitizer: MSU Archives and Historical Collections
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. U.S. and international copyright laws may protect this item. Commercial use or distribution of this digital object is not permitted without written permission of the Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections.
Contributing Institution(s): MSU Archives & Historical Collections; MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University