MSU Vietnam Advisory Group, History of MSU’s Police Project in Vietnam -- 1960

Creator: unknown
Contributor: Weidner, Edward W., personnel
Description: A lengthy report is made by the Michigan State University Vietnam Advisory Group on their involvement, from start to finish, in Vietnam. The report starts with a discussion of President Ngo Dinh Diem's request for foreign aid in administration, then goes on to cover first the historical background in terms of geophysical, political, cultural, and religious factors. The report continues on to discuss the French role in Vietnam from 1900-1954, the Treaty of Geneva and its impacts, and the first months of MSU's stay in Vietnam from May 27-December 31, 1955. Continuing on, every aspect of MSU's involvement in police and public administration is covered, including training, equipment, and more for each section. The function, background, training, organization, regional administration, personnel figures, and a few images are recorded for the Civil Guard. Throughout, the report discusses in-depth problems faced by MSU, USOM, and the Vietnamese Government working together. Another discussion point is President Ngo Dinh Diem's family personalities, their relationships to one another, and their involvement in government affairs.
Subject(s): anti-communist movements / Communism / economic policy / elections / foreign relations / law enforcement / Michigan State University / Michigan State University. -- Office of International Studies and Programs / Michigan State University. Vietnam Advisory Group / Ngô, Đình Diệm, 1901-1963 / Ngô, Đình Nhu, 1910-1963 / police administration / police training / public administration / Turner, Ralph F. / United Nations / United States. -- Agency for International Development / Vietminh / War and society -- Vietnam / agrarian reform / Agency for International Development / Camp des Mares Crime Laboratory / Central Identification Bureau / Central Record Bureau / civil guard / colonialism / counterespionage training / Democracy / economy / education / finance / fingerprint operations / foreign aid / Foreign Operations Administration / Geneva Accords / land reform / National Institute of Administration (NIA) Học-viện quốc-gia hành-chánh / Participant Training Program / political parties / protest / research / rural affairs / Southeast Asia / Surete (Sûreté) / United States Operations Mission / Viet Cong / Vietnamese Bureau of Investigation
Digital Format: Text/pdf
Original Format: Report
Language: English
Original Date: 1960
Date Range: 1960-1969
Source: Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections Ralph F. Turner Papers. (UA 17.149) Box 1694, Folder 25
Pages: 162
Identifier: UA17-149_000027.pdf
Country: South Vietnam
Digitizer: MSU Archives and Historical Collections
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. U.S. and international copyright laws may protect this item. Commercial use or distribution of this digital object is not permitted without written permission of the Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections.
Contributing Institution(s): MSU Archives & Historical Collections; MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University