Creator: Farley, Jane M.
Contributor: Smuckler, Mrs. Ralph H., article subject
Description: Milwaukee Journal author Jane M. Farley writes an article about Mrs. Ralph Smuckler and her experiences traveling to Vietnam with her husband, MSUG employee Ralph Smuckler. The piece discusses Mrs. Smuckler's preparations before leaving the U.S., how she adjusted to life in Saigon, and the associations she made while in the country.
Digital Format: Text/pdf
Language: English
Original Date: January 13th,1957
Date Range: 1950-1959
Source: Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections Ralph H. Smuckler. Papers. (UA17-234) File Drawer.
Identifier: UA17-234_000001.pdf
Country: United States
Digitizer: MSU Archives and Historical Collections
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. U.S. and international copyright laws may protect this item. Commercial use or distribution of this digital object is not permitted without written permission of the Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections.
Contributing Institution(s): MSU Archives & Historical Collections; MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University