Visit of MSUG Police Advisor Everett Updike with Director of Central Vietnam Civil Guard Le Khuong, 1957

Contributor: Updike, Everett, film subject
Description: Chief of the Civil Guard Section Everett Updike makes a field trip with other personnel in the Civil Guard to Zone 3 of South Vietnam for an inspection tour. Colonel Le Khuong, Deputy Director General of Civil Guard, invites Major Ky Quan Than (medical officer), Captain Luyen (training officer), Captain Nguyen Van Tranh (signal officer), Lieutenant Trinh (personnel officer), Lieutenant Nguyen Van Thien (secretary to the colonel), and Everett C. Updike to accompany him and his staff. The inspection party left Saigon at 5:00am on November 4, 1957, and arrived at Zone 3 Headquarters of the Civil Guard at Soc-Trang at 10:15am. After reviewing the honor guard with the Deputy Director, a briefing conference was given to the staff officers by Major Nguyen Van Minh, Commanding Officer of the Civil Guard in Zone 3. Mr. Updike and Interpreter Cam of MSU were invited to attend this briefing. <b>16mm | black and white | silent</b>
Digital Format: Video/mp4
Original Format: Film - 16mm
Language: English
Original Date: 1957
Date Range: 1950-1959
Source: Michigan State University Archives &amp; Historical Collections Vietnam Project records (UA film reel #352
Identifier: UA-F002623_sd.mp4
Country: South Vietnam
Digitizer: MSU Archives and Historical Collections
Rights Management: Educational use only, no other permissions given. U.S. and international copyright laws may protect this item. Commercial use or distribution of this digital object is not permitted without written permission of the Michigan State University Archives &amp; Historical Collections.
Contributing Institution(s): MSU Archives &amp; Historical Collections; MATRIX: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Michigan State University